Employment offers / vacancies

ML Researcher


Do you feel like most ML researchers are working on heuristics for generative models or image recognition? If you prefer more rigorous approaches for recognizing abstract shapes, join us at Qminers and apply your knowledge on time series data!




Palác Špork, 3.patro,

Hybernská 1034/5,

110 00 Praha 1

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ML Researcher
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At Qminers, we develop an algorithmic trading system that trades completely autonomously on 4 continents, 24/7. Our business is based on smarts, optimization, precise problem formulation and careful statistics, and sometimes arbitrage, which as everyone knows doesn’t exist. We’re huge fans of technology and free markets, and we believe that if our software makes markets better for everyone, we’ll benefit from that too.

What can you expect from this job

  • Focus on genuine analytical work – data management and deployment are handled by others.
  • A clearly defined, challenging task involving numerous numerical time series.
  • Regression, clustering, and optimization.
  • Highly motivating bonuses tied to actual improvements in evaluation metrics.

What we expect from you

  • A Master's degree with above-average results in Artificial Intelligence, or another precise education with a strong ML/AI track record.
  • A good understanding of ML techniques and algorithms.
  • Willingness to spend significant time on feature engineering.
  • Strong proficiency in Python including the data science stack: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn + any DL framework.

We like to give people room to realize their potential and have a direct impact on results. We like to have results reasonably fast, both in terms of development and runtime. We spend most of our time thinking, discussing what the best solution is, and coding. We see each other in the office 4 days a week, but we don’t set fixed timetables.

We are currently looking for

Interested in working for Qminers?

Send an email to hr@qminers.com or fill out the form.
Are you an experienced quant? A programmer with a passion for C++ or Python? Or are you a recent graduate with a specialization in data? We’re always keen to hear from you!
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