We have something to say

We like discussing things and we enjoy tricky mathematical problems and the challenges of the world we live in. We want to be seen in a community of like-minded people and make our presence felt. Our CEO, Petr Zahradník, is a man with a wide range of interests, and occasionally you’ll find him giving an interview to a newspaper or speaking at a conference. We protect our know-how, but we’re happy to share everything else.
What do you need to know?
Since 2012, Qminers has been developing software for algorithmic trading on most of the world’s key stock markets. We are what’s known as a market maker. Qminers’ successful product is the upshot of the passion for mathematics, cutting-edge science, statistics and data modeling of a diverse team of 40 talented mathematicians, analysts and programmers. The company was founded by today’s CEO Petr Zahradník along with Miloš Krejník.
The Qminers Foundation was founded by Petr Zahradnik and Martin Hadrava to support worthy causes in the fields of education, ecology, culture, human rights, and social services. The Foundation distributes funds set aside from Qminers’ profits or – for specific projects such as Math for Czechia – it joins forces with other entities to raise funds.
Annual reports can be found in the Downloads section or are publicly available from justice.cz.
In 2023, we decided to celebrate our new era with a video that says everything important about us. How we see the world and our place in it (and how much we love math). The video was made for us by an agency called Peppermint and directed by Jan Ruttner. You can find it on the homepage of this website or on Youtube.
We regularly attend industry job fairs and careers events at allied university faculties. Every two years we hold a Qminers Hackathon. You will find us at the international high school math competition called Náboj. Our speakers are invited onto panels at machine learning and AI conferences.
You’ll find everything you need in the Downloads section. If that’s still not enough for you, contact PR manager Anna Urbanová at anna.urbanova@qminers.com.
In the spring of 2024, we concluded the pilot phase of the program and are now recruiting new teachers for the 2024/2025 school year. The support now extends to teachers from all regions of the Czech Republic! You can apply to the program if you meet several criteria. Are you a teacher of mathematics, physics, or computer science, have you been in the education sector for no more than 5 years, do you actively work with children, and are you committed to self-education and professional development? Are you interested in Math for Czechia? Then contact the project manager, Tereza Špalková, at tereza.spalkova@qminers.com.
They wrote about us
Media contact
Anna Urbanová
Public Relations & Media
Do you want to write about us? Are you interested in our founder’s story or would you like to learn more about algorithmic trading? Do you have an interesting offer for merchandising, creative collaboration, or event organizing? Do you need a compelling speaker on software development, automated trading, or machine learning? Reach out to us!