Daniel Krýcha

Chief Project Officer

I studied Financial and Insurance Mathematics at Charles University in Prague, followed by a second master's degree in Stochastics and Financial Mathematics at VU Amsterdam. After my studies, I worked for seven years as a Trader for a major firm in Amsterdam and Sydney. This experience taught me the intricacies of financial markets and algorithmic trading from A to Z, highlighted the importance of analysts understanding programmers, and showed me how to effectively onboard new colleagues.

In April 2020, I joined Qminers, which I regard as a global leader in market making for interest rate futures. At Qminers, I started as a Trading Analyst, focusing on market visualization and tuning the KPIs of our algorithms. Currently, I serve as the Chief Project Officer, ensuring communication between the development and analytics departments and prioritizing analytical projects. I particularly value working with talented and motivated individuals, which allows me to rely on the quality of their output. Corporate values such as meritocracy and transparency are important to me. Among the work benefits, I most appreciate up to seven weeks of vacation and corporate yoga sessions.